Introducing Noose: just enough OO to hang yourself

Moose led to Mouse led to Moo led to Mo led finally to M, which gives you the least object-orientation possible, which is none at all. I quipped that Perl desperately needed a new OO module called Noose – just enough object orientation to hang yourself.

Mocking LWP::UserAgent properly

This is an update to an earlier post I wrote about the adventures I had in creating and using a mock LWP::UserAgent for testing purposes. The ever-vigilant mst overheard a conversation on the same topic, and jumped in. He pointed out that Test::MockObject (and everything using it) overrides UNIVERSAL::isa in a way that hides bugs. Because it can hide bugs, it is definitely not safe to use in a test suite, where you’re trying to uncover bugs.

Mocking LWP::UserAgent

Important update: Don’t follow this advice, follow that advice!

chromatic mentioned how to use dependency injection in You’re Already Using Dependency Injection. Although I had read that when he posted it, I hadnt actually ever done it. That is, until today.

YAPC::NA day three

Miyagawa strikes again

On day three (read about days one and two), I spent most of my time socializing and networking rather than attending talks.